Refund & Exchange
- You can initiate a request for refund by WhatsApp on 0300-2030317 or call 0304-1110361 or email
- You can avail the refund within 7 days of parcel delivery.
- Important note: Swag Kicks will not entertain the refund request if returned product is not received by Swag Kicks within 7 days.
- After receiving your parcel, our quality control team will thoroughly inspect your parcel.
- If the product is used and tag is missing, Swag Kicks will not entertain refund requests.
- There are no refunds on items below Rs 2500 and on-sale items. Only exchange is possible.
- You can initiate a request for exchange by WhatsApp on 0300-2030317 or call 0304-1110361 or email
- You can exchange within 7 days of parcel delivery.
- Important note: Swag Kicks will not entertain exchange request if returned product is not received by Swag Kicks within 7 days.
- Items sent back to us without first requesting an exchange on WhatsApp, call or email will not be accepted.